This morning I am inspired by the blackbird (crow?) sitting on the highest point of a faraway tree. He seems to have an excellent view of all of his surroundings. Is he proud, or just protective of a nest of babies tucked in the branches, shielded by the lush green foliage of late summer?
This little snippet of my morning- sipping tea and reading my daily devotion, got me thinking.... Could I see myself in the highest place like that confident bird? Can I look out on the world around me and be delighted? Very quickly my answer came; I am not in the highest place because of my surroundings.
Life is full of thorns and weeds and overgrown "wildness" just like my backyard. But it is also filled with glorious, colorful flowers, and flowers not quite ready to bloom. The flowers are friendships, fellowship, loved ones; a safe neighborhood to live in, plenty of food on the table, a car in the driveway (Which provides the freedom I need), and my art studio, brimming with all kinds of supplies, inspirational books, photos, quotations, etc., so that I never run out of creative fodder.
Those flowers that are barely beginning to bloom? Those are all the new possibilities that are coming my way. Getting my art out to the world, (a work in progress), meeting other creative folks and sharing our ideas and goals with each other; the new opportunities to use my God-given abilities to serve in my church....Yes, I am looking forward to abundant blooms!
And the weeds and thorns? Aren't they always about money? A too-long period of barely getting by as I await a "miraculous" change in this economy. But I have learned to dwell on the beautiful things, the exciting, unknown future. (As Eleanor Roosevelt said... "Dwell in Possibility.")
I will lean on my heavenly Father who provides my every need, and loves me with an unwavering love. "My name is inscribed in the palm of His hand." (Isaiah 49:16) There could be no higher place! There is no need to worry. And so I thank Him for this day.
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