Friday, March 16, 2012

Butterflies and Teacups

I recently created an art piece for the Annual Ladies' Tea at my church-
The theme this year is "Amazingly Simple". 
Thinking about the "simple" things in life that are so special;  a butterfly...a cup of tea with a friend...a child's smiling face...beautiful music...
You get the idea.  So what is the "amazing" aspect ??

That the simple things aren't really all that simple!  Think of the complexity of the butterfly...the process by which it "comes to life", the intricate colors and patterns on its wings...the ability to fly.

It is God's creation that is so amazing! Our  God is an awesome God!

Now, if I only knew how to do it, I would post the art I created for our invitations and posters....
I'm sure one of my clever friends will help me with this and you will see it soon.

1 comment:

  1. We love the art you made for the Annual Ladies Tea! Be careful or you may get a permanent job doing it!
